DIY Wills: Pros and Cons

Learn about the pros and cons of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Wills in Singapore. Find out how to navigate this important decision in this article.

Liane Yong

Liane Yong

Lawyer, Managing Director

8 min read •

Writing a Will is an important part of estate planning, as it allows you to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your demise. In Singapore, you have the option to either create your own Will or go to a lawyer to do so (which is believed to be common practice). This blog will explore the pros and cons of Do-It-Yourself Wills versus going to a lawyer, helping you make an informed choice.

Understanding DIY Wills in Singapore

In Singapore, DIY Wills allow individuals to create their own Will without professional legal help. Understanding DIY Wills is crucial as it involves navigating the legal framework, such as the Wills Act, to ensure a perfectly valid Will. Key components like the residuary clause and naming beneficiaries must be accurately addressed. While DIY Wills offer cost-effectiveness and accessibility, there are cons to consider like potential errors or omissions. It’s essential to comprehend the implications of these documents, especially in matters concerning personal property, bank accounts, and real estate. Seeking legal advice or utilising online platforms like WillCraft can help in creating a sound DIY Will that aligns with the Singapore law.

Key Components of a Valid DIY Will

A valid DIY Will in Singapore should include key components to ensure its legality and effectiveness. These components may include:

  1. Identification of the testator: Clearly state your name, NRIC number, and address to avoid any doubt about the document’s identity.
  2. Revocation of previous Wills: Include a clause that revokes any previous Wills to ensure that the current Will is the testator’s final testament.
  3. Appointment of executor, trustee, and guardian: Designate individuals who will be responsible for carrying out your wishes, managing your assets, and caring for any minor children.
  4. Distribution of property: Clearly specify how you want your assets to be distributed among your beneficiaries.
  5. Powers and directions to executor-trustee: Provide instructions to the executor-trustee regarding the administration of your estate and any specific tasks they need to perform.
  6. Testimonium and attestation: Sign and date the Will in the presence of witnesses who confirm its validity. Witnesses should be impartial individuals, not beneficiaries or executors, and must be present when the testator signs the Will. They should sign the document themselves in the testator’s presence, confirming the testator’s signature and soundness of mind.

Including these key components in your DIY Will can ensure that it meets the legal requirements and is considered a valid legal document.

Pros of Choosing DIY Wills

DIY Wills are a cost-effective and accessible option for those with straightforward estate planning needs. They offer personalisation and privacy, allowing individuals to manage their Wills independently without extensive legal advice.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness and Accessibility

Crafting a DIY Will can be a cost-effective and accessible option for many in Singapore. By taking the reins yourself, you can potentially save on the expenses that come with hiring a professional. Moreover, the convenience of creating a Will in the comfort of your home adds to its appeal. DIY Wills provide a straightforward way to outline your wishes regarding your assets and beneficiaries without extensive legal fees. This route is especially suitable for those with simple estate planning needs and limited assets. However, it’s crucial to ensure that your DIY Will complies with the Singapore law to avoid potential complications in the future. Especially if your assets are substantial, it is advisable to seek legal advice.

  1. Personalisation and Privacy

One of the key advantages of opting for a DIY Will in Singapore is the ability to customise it to suit your individual needs and maintain privacy. By crafting your own Will, you can personalise the distribution of your assets according to your specific wishes. This level of personalisation ensures that your estate planning accurately reflects your intentions and preferences, providing you with peace of mind regarding the allocation of your belongings. Additionally, DIY Wills afford a higher degree of privacy as you can keep sensitive personal information confidential within the confines of your own document, shielding it from unnecessary exposure or scrutiny.

Itching to find out more about how to draft your own Will? We cover just that in our - “Quick Guide to Drafting your own Will” article here.

Cons of Opting for DIY Wills

While DIY Wills have their advantages, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. Potential legal oversights and the risks of invalidity and disputes are some of the cons of opting for DIY Wills. It is important to weigh these cons against the benefits and assess your individual circumstances before making a decision.

  1. Potential Legal Oversights

When creating a DIY Will, there are potential legal oversights that individuals should be cautious about. These oversights can range from minor errors to more significant issues that could render the will invalid. Common mistakes include improper execution, ambiguous language, or omitting crucial details required by Singapore law. Failing to update beneficiaries, neglecting to consider all assets, or not appointing a guardian for minor children are also critical areas to watch out for. It’s essential to ensure that your DIY Will adheres to the legal requirements to avoid complications for your beneficiaries in the future. Seeking guidance from a professional can mitigate these potential pitfalls and provide peace of mind in the long run.

Read on to find out how we at WillCraft combat and address this concern.

How WillCraft Bridges the Gap

WillCraft is a platform that bridges the gap between DIY Wills and professional assistance. It offers expert review, customisation options, convenience, and assurance of legality. Some key features of WillCraft include:

  1. Expert Review and Customisation Options

With WillCraft, you can benefit from thorough review by experienced lawyers, ensuring that your Will meets all legal requirements and is accurately documented. Our platform offers easy customisation options to tailor your Will according to your unique preferences and circumstances. Throughout the entire process, we provide prompts and tips to guide you seamlessly through each step. With our Will template accompanied by expert guidance, you’ll never feel lost, and we ensure that no important details are overlooked. Whether you’re designating beneficiaries or outlining specific instructions for asset distribution, rest assured that WillCraft has you covered every step of the way.

  1. Convenience and Assurance of Legality

With WillCraft, creating and managing your DIY Will is a breeze. Our online platform streamlines the process, making it simple and hassle-free. In under just 30 minutes, you can create a legally valid Will that meets all necessary requirements, all from the comfort of your own home!

Want to find out more about having your Will done online? We provide you some tips and tricks in doing your Will online in our article here.


DIY Wills are cheaper and customisable but may lead to mistakes. Professional assistance ensures thorough asset distribution and legal expertise but comes at a higher cost.

At WillCraft, we understand these concerns and address them comprehensively. Rest assured, with our service, your final wishes will be meticulously documented and legally valid. What’s more, our online platform provides this service starting from just S$99 to draft your Will! And with the convenience of completing the entire process from the comfort of your own home, there’s no need for costly and time-consuming appointments.

Simplify It With WillCraft—Easy, Reliable, and Guided!

Considering a DIY Will but unsure of the risks?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make a Will completely by myself in Singapore?

Crafting a Will by yourself in Singapore is possible, but it’s crucial to navigate the legal complexities accurately. Ensure compliance with Singapore’s legal framework and include all essential components for a valid DIY Will. Online Will-making services, like WillCraft, typically provide templates and guidance to help you draft your Will according to your wishes, streamlining the whole process.

How do I update my Will?

It is advisable to update your Will when major life events such as marriage, divorce, or financial changes happen.. A codicil, often used for updates, is a legal document that amends specific provisions of an existing Will. However, using a codicil is often complex and limited. Instead, creating a new Will is preferred for comprehensive updates. WillCraft offers an affordable and straightforward solution to update your Will to match your current situation, without the complexities of a codicil. Update your Will with WillCraft today!

Should you create your Will online?

Creating a Will online can be a convenient and cost-effective option for some individuals, especially those with straightforward estates and assets. Online Will-making services, like WillCraft, typically provide templates and guidance to help you draft your Will according to your wishes.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for general guidance and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a lawyer to seek legal advice that is specific to your needs.
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